Stick Figure Sketchblog & Webcomic Creator @

Webcomic - Adventures in Retail Webcomic - Chronic Malpractice Webcomic - Illustrated Thesaurus

Adventures in Roadtripping #10

March 11th, 2007 by

Well, if it isn’t about time. Look at what I made! My good friend Chris is helping me with the writing part of it and it’s already better. And as I type this I just realized I didn’t put his name in the credits. Dammit. I’ll fix that later because I need to sleep, delicious sleep. Yum. Enjoy.

Evan gets to ride in the car!

Adventures in Retail #52

February 11th, 2007 by

I almost like some of this comic. I like the writing. I didn’t do that. I’ll fix some piddly stuff this week if I get a chance. Enjoy it.

Meet Brian Hefawitz

Nudge me…

February 10th, 2007 by

If you can figure it out, I encourage it.  Nudge me.  Supposedly, if you sign up I guess, you can say, “Get to damn work entertaining me!”  I haven’t figured it out yet, because I don’t have any real friends on there.  Evan? Danny? Jon and his kid brother?  I bet you’ll get kicks out of telling me to draw more.  And if I know you’re out there, watching me.  Judging me.  I would feel more guilty and draw more.  I saw this from Girls with Slingshots, who found out about it from Kurtz. 

I can update it from my phone too! 


February 7th, 2007 by

Howdy, my 7 fans!
I have been working on several things at once and trying to get some sleep so that I might not fall asleep at work as soon as I get there. While I’m actually working.

My birthday was a few days ago, the 27th of January, if you are curious. Had some drinks, had some folks over. Got the first few issues of Invincible, which I heard about from Scott Kurtz on his podcast, and I’ve read the first 3 volumes at least 3 times each. It is a super hero comic that absolutely rocks. I’ve never read many super hero comics, but this one is amazing. Check it out.

I want to thank my brother- and sister-in-law for the gift certificate. I bought these fantastic books with it. If you can’t see, it is 3 Bridgman books and 2 Hogarth books. Super helpful already. Thanks, Sarah and Eric!

As to the next comics, I have pictures of what I have done and my good friend Chris Miller, some kind of robotic DJ man, is going to be helping writing the AiRoad comics! He is awesome at it and the ones he fixed up are way better than what I had. Here is some pics of AiR #52. As you can see, I skip around a lot. It is only taking about 2 weeks per page! I have to bake a cake for work tomarrow, but I will do what I can to work in this.

air 52

air 52 cu

The customer is always wrong

January 19th, 2007 by

As you may know, I once spent a horrible period of my life working retail. If you’ve ever gone shopping and were treated poorly by the employees, I can tell you why that happened. There are only 2(two) reasons why. Either a) the employee is just a jerk or b) you are a jerk. Although, given enough time, enough of b) happens that most employees become a).

Here’s an example. I have in my well-manicured hands a letter that I borrowed from work. Take a peek. I’ll wait.

customer's letter

Did you count those grammar and spelling errors? Go back if you didn’t. I’m no English teacher, but I can spell retarded, and it starts with Customer.

When little (needs stretchy pants “little”) Jim came into the store, I had been there for about 7 months. In that time, I had never heard of 2-Pocket shirts because my store had never had them while I was employed there. According to the boss, she hadn’t had them in for at least 2 years prior. Now, I wasn’t at work the day this man came in, but I wish I was. Oh to see him attempt to make the little Assistant Manager(who actually is very tiny) manifest these shirts out of thin air with just the power of his undoubtedly fat, angry mouth.

…Continue reading »

Public Service Announcement

January 18th, 2007 by

As I was looking through my notes on comic ideas and such, I found the following.

don't eat guns

Did you enjoy it?  I believe I drew it in 12th grade.  Maybe the 11th.  I saved it just for you.  It’s crumpled up, on college-ruled lined paper and it has something to do with Mussorgsky on it.  Why? Who knows?  I could have been in Russian history class!  I may have drawn it my first year of college because I had a Russian history class there too.  The back of the paper says “Marius Petipa *missing* school of ballet.”  And below that: Last symphony Pathetique – full of force and feeling.  I believe that says “awesomeness” above the guy in going “chomp!” but i could be wrong.  It had to be high school, but i don’t remember writing my lowercase ‘A’s in that way.  And i do remember having it ripped my first year at RMCAD because it was in my pocket and i showed it to a couple of people.  “Why am i here? Lemme show you my credentials.” and i’d whip that slip out and everyone would nod and say “ah yes” and “quite” and such.  Frankly, I don’t know why they didn’t give me my degree that day.

AIR #51 – not colored

December 29th, 2006 by

Hello my 7 fans. I have a comic for you. And if all goes well you’ll get another this weekend. Danny and I have decided that I should just draw them all and then color them at the end. Mysterious things will happen soon! Enjoy!

adventures in retail - with swords

Oh nooos!

December 18th, 2006 by

Some photoshopping for you!

I hope this entertains you

December 16th, 2006 by

…because I need your validation. Without it, how am I to measure my intorwub popularity? HOW?! I have more sketches for you and they’re sensational, I say, SENSATIONAL! You’ll enjoy them or you’ll get nothin’ for christmas.


I’m thinking you should maybe have some explanations for once and to be enlightened perhaps? My train ride lasts all of 10 minutes if it is slow. That’s not a lot of time unless you are
comic. I am having trouble coming up with a good design and if you have any ideas I’d welcome some help as I am lousy at designing new characters. Image 3 is from the next, next, next comic, which should be good. If i can finish the one sitting on my drawing table right now. And the guy, the yelling one? I was sitting on a bench at the end of the work day, next to the highway, with my noise-cancelling earbuds in and listening to music, 15 feet away from this guy, and I could STILL HEAR HIM. Yelling into his little blue-tooth headset. Amazing.


These sketches are for comics numbered 52 and 53. Aaoogh god, I’m only at number 50 and I’ve been drawing since the dawn of time? You people need to get on my case because I am a lazy bitch. You can pretend those sketches of the next comics are the real thing when you are home and crying.


December 9th, 2006 by

Of the many reasons that I haven’t drawn anything for a while is this dog. It’s constantly being cute and I just can’t resist her mind control. She’s a pure-bred Pomeranian named Monstro.

