June 3rd, 2007 by Ajay
Here is the firstest comic made entirely on paper, then scanned into Manga Studio and fooled with, then exported into Photoshop CS2, turned into CMYK, then exported as a .gif for your viewing pleasure. I will do the background tomorrow when hiking is completed. I used different line tones on this one than the other one I practiced on in the previous post. I like it a little better when you can actually see the dots. Also, the preview image below has the best hand I think I’ve drawn to date. Always improving!
Enjoy, and as always, comment away.

Drawn in Comics | 3 Comments »
June 1st, 2007 by Ajay
Oooh, spooooky! In my experience, the higher up someone is in managing a retail store, the less actual work they do. They walk around with their blackberry, sending emails to other higher-ups boasting about what trivial actions they forced the peons to do that day.

I’m not sure when I did these sketches, but I like the way he looks. Like a dick. Short-sleeved dress shirt with a tie. Tall. Khakis. *shudder* He’ll always have his blackberry thing with him and always be looking at it. Never making contact with the people that are doing the actual work. He wants you to do all this work, but he doesn’t respect you enough to even make eye contact! Wow, your job sucks.
In the first and third pages there you can see prelim sketches of comics that will appear in the future! Obviously, one is AIR #57, the other is AIR #54 which I have half inked on my drawing table. I’ve redrawn all but 2 panels so far. It has a really great hand in panel 4 though.
Drawn in Drawings | 1 Comment »
May 31st, 2007 by Ajay
Here’s a really old, and lousy, caricature of a guy named Brett I made in high school and a joke that I find hilarious. I don’t know if I made it up though. Probably heard it somewhere…

Drawn in Drawings | 2 Comments »
May 30th, 2007 by Ajay
Here are some more sketches. These, in particular, are of Brian Hefawitz. He meets Jonn and Stew when they fall through the hole in the wall and end up in some crazy world with the biggest mall the boys have ever seen. He’s been there a while, it seems, but Danny will correct me if I’m wrong. Brian looks to be in his middle 50s, is losing his hair and has a good paunch going for him… if a big belly can be considered “good.”

The first image there has a couple of things I want to note for you.
A) I don’t know what I was thinking when I drew this guy? Consider it a completely random guy on the road to drawing the GM.
B) A really poor drawing of what is supposed to be the character Evan. Wow.
C) This is Sergei Dmitriov. He is a truck driver in the Roadtripping comic. As soon as Manga Studio arrives I can finish the comic I was working on when the trial ran out and get cracking.
The GM can be seen in the bottom right of the page. I’ll show more of him later.
Drawn in Drawings | 1 Comment »
May 22nd, 2007 by Ajay
Here’s a drawing that I know isn’t the best because it’s missing feet and the linework isn’t finished.
Eventually I’ll get better.

Drawn in Drawings | 7 Comments »
May 19th, 2007 by Ajay
Check this out! Ignore the noise for now. I am using a clip from a Thrill Kill Cult song that is a line from the movie Midnight Cowboy to do some dialogue testing. This is just how I’m starting the piece – a big heavy coffee mug. Animators – give me C&C.
Coffee Mug Test
Drawn in Animation | 4 Comments »
May 16th, 2007 by Ajay
Here we go, using this draog like it should be used. Posting sketchies! Here are some practicey drawings of the character Jonn. He has 2 ‘N’s in his name because that is fun. The problem I have is drawing long hair. Where does it connect? How can I keep him looking like a man with it? I think it’s obvious it’s a drawing of a male character, but you never know. Also – I like to make things that look like crappy rubber stamps.

Drawn in Drawings | 2 Comments »
May 9th, 2007 by Ajay
I don’t post enough sketches on here, but that’s because I don’t do many worthwhile sketches. I tried sketching some naked girls and they turned out horrible. On the other hand, I finally have a somewhat decent drawing of Jesus for his chronicles. I had another page of sketches but i only took out the 3 that were good. They are the top 3 tinier sketches on the first image. Nothing else on that page was good, so I just cut them out and put ’em on that page down there. The one with the least amount of Jeez-eye. You should be able to see the one I like. I still need to figure out what he should be wearing.

Of course, I’d welcome some constructive criticism, if you have any.
Drawn in Drawings | 1 Comment »
April 22nd, 2007 by Ajay
I’m not quite finished with this one, but really, am I ever? Perspective takes forever, especially with parking lot lines. I am going to try to do them digitally for this one and a couple of the previous ones, but I need to go to bed. I also need to go back and change a few things on Stew’s pants and Brian’s uniform. I decided it needs more black. Anyway, here is Adventures in Retail #53. Enjoy.

Drawn in Comics | No Comments »
April 15th, 2007 by Ajay
I made this! It’s a model of the mall that Brian is taking the guys to in the Retail storyline. I made it with Sketchup 6, from Google. A fun little program, but as you will see, it doesn’t provide very good export images. Really, I just want to use it for making some buildings for reference and it is easy to use.

Drawn in Drawings | 3 Comments »