I probably spelled that word incorrectly, but screw it, I am going to have a contest! I sketched a comic out a long time ago and then i lost it. Now i have found it but I can’t for the life of me remember what the words were and only vaguely remember what the punchline was supposed to be about.
My part: I am going to finish the comic up to a point. Now comes your part.
Your part: All six of my readers will have the chance to write the dialogue and end the comic with a funny joke. You can work together if you like and email me with any questions about character attitudes and what-not; I’ll be happy just for the human contact. Now comes my part again:
More work on my part: If your words are funny I’ll put them into the comic and post it on the site. I will then send the winner the original artwork as a consolation prize for doing half of my job for me.
Really, I can only remember that it had something to do with gift receipts and that Stew said mean things and made the girl cry. It can be anything that fits the pictures without being overly disgusting and fits the charaters. It must be awesome and make me laugh.
Here is a preview of what I had and what I was thinking. Kinda. I will post a better version for you to look at and what-not soon.

Email me your submissions with the subject Forgotten Contest or something like that to aj(dot)stewped(at)gmail(dot)com .
** Edit: This will run for a while. Until I get a really great entry or I just don’t get anymore submissions.