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Archive for June, 2007

Mall Employees

June 14th, 2007 by

Haven’t posted anything for a couple days because I haven’t even been home at a decent hour. Been looking at places to live. Also haven’t produced anything at work too good lately either. EXCEPT TODAY! But you’ll have to wait a bit to see it. Brought my Burne Hogarth book to work and tried to make my sketches for the next AIR comic more dynamical. It looks better. Enjoy this for now and leave me some comments. Be constructive.

mallemployees01.gif mallemployees02.gif mallemployees-uniform.gif

AIR #52 Redux

June 10th, 2007 by

Alright. Who knows how this is gonna work out in the future, but here’s a comic I added a few tones to and changed the way the mall employees’ outfits look. You can see how it looked originally below. I fixed the hell out of it with some fancy lamp posts and darkening up the parking lot asphalt. That stuff is usually black. I finally got the EX version of the ol’ Manga Studio, made some lamp posts in Blender and imported them. Made some much better parking lot spaces with the perspective tool and uploaded it to replace the original. The perspective tool is amazing. That alone is worth the extra money from the Debut version. I’m happier with the way it looks and I’m gonna do it with the other ones. Let me know what you thinks.

The original:

air 52 original

The new one is on the comic page:

Brian leads the way again


June 5th, 2007 by

Here are more sketches I made at work yesterday.

The arrow in the first sketch is pointing at a sketch of a person. There is a woman at work who is shaped like that. Gross. Second one shows layout for AIR #55. Third page shows 2 kuss-tome-air heads.

scrawny legged fat guy air 55 layout kuss-tome-air

Hand practice!

June 4th, 2007 by

Here are a whole bunch of hands. I have a book of hands by Bridgman that is just great. I brought it to work and drew from it trying to figure out why the hands looked the way they do. Then I tried to draw hands on my own. If you look at the hands from comic #48 on through the current comic, #54, you can see how much I’ve improved from the practice and studying. Here are a bunch of my practice slash study pages.

In the first page you can see a better sketch of the layout for comic #54, which turned out better than I expected. It took quite a while to get them tones to look the way they do, which is minimal, but decent. I’m not sure who all those sketches are of in the last 2 pages, other than the girl employee. I did a whole bunch of stuff at work today that I will scan in tomorrow, including the Kuss-tome-airs, and some sad looking fat guy with skinny legs what resembles a woman at work. EWW!

hands and layout for 54 hands and girl sketch hands 03 hands 04 hands 05

hands 06 hands 07 plus employee girl

AIR #54 – The Prophesy

June 3rd, 2007 by

Here is the firstest comic made entirely on paper, then scanned into Manga Studio and fooled with, then exported into Photoshop CS2, turned into CMYK, then exported as a .gif for your viewing pleasure. I will do the background tomorrow when hiking is completed. I used different line tones on this one than the other one I practiced on in the previous post. I like it a little better when you can actually see the dots. Also, the preview image below has the best hand I think I’ve drawn to date. Always improving!
Enjoy, and as always, comment away.

air54 preview

The General Manager

June 1st, 2007 by

Oooh, spooooky! In my experience, the higher up someone is in managing a retail store, the less actual work they do. They walk around with their blackberry, sending emails to other higher-ups boasting about what trivial actions they forced the peons to do that day.

gm01 gm02 gm03

I’m not sure when I did these sketches, but I like the way he looks. Like a dick. Short-sleeved dress shirt with a tie. Tall. Khakis. *shudder* He’ll always have his blackberry thing with him and always be looking at it. Never making contact with the people that are doing the actual work. He wants you to do all this work, but he doesn’t respect you enough to even make eye contact! Wow, your job sucks.

In the first and third pages there you can see prelim sketches of comics that will appear in the future! Obviously, one is AIR #57, the other is AIR #54 which I have half inked on my drawing table. I’ve redrawn all but 2 panels so far. It has a really great hand in panel 4 though.