First, remember this? I did it a long time ago, sometime in 2003. Very few people know that I created the life is pain animation that loads of folks use for their avatars.

As I was browsing through an issue of Game Informer magazine, I happened across an advertisement for that junk you can download for your phone. You know, they charge you to text some number and they’ll send you a wallpaper or screen saver or a joke. I usually pass over this stuff, but I just happened to look at the bottom right of the page.

What? Jamster stole my art? Jamster stole my life is pain animation! They barely even tried to make it something else. How blatant can you be? Look, I even found it on their page. Since their page is slow as well, I downloaded it for you. I’ll even put mine next to it.

It’s blue and only slightly different from mine. The animation is crappy, it’s blue, and the L is capitalized. Wows. It’s okay that it says “preview” on there, because you know what? Mine is better animated and not stolen! Holy shit! I can make you a black one with electric-blue guys on it. Real easy too! Just ask.
I’ve put this image on a shirt before anyone else tries to steal it from me. It’s just a men’s style shirt, but it looks good on ladies, too, as seen below. Click on through consider supporting me with a shirt purchase!
If you put in the ‘notes’ field that you came from here, I’ll include an original drawing! Mention ‘thieves’ or ‘’ in the NOTES field on the checkout page.