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June 5th, 2007 by

Here are more sketches I made at work yesterday.

The arrow in the first sketch is pointing at a sketch of a person. There is a woman at work who is shaped like that. Gross. Second one shows layout for AIR #55. Third page shows 2 kuss-tome-air heads.

scrawny legged fat guy air 55 layout kuss-tome-air

2 Responses to “Kuss-tome-airs”

  1. danny Says:

    hey, do the kuss tome airs have little t-rex arms that can’t reach anything. because that would be funny.

  2. PeZ Says:

    …why does she look like me?

    ooh-ooh! you should make the space between the nose and mouth on the “Kuss-Tome-Airs”…[I hate me for typing that now, you jerk]. Reason for it is that it makes them seem more ape-ish resulting in more of a dim-witted personality/characteristic. Don’t get me wrong, they can still be vicious blood sucking soul munchers [like their real world counterparts] but they will now look more like them…yeah

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