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Archive for September, 2006

Out of town

September 20th, 2006 by

Going to vegas for the weekend.

AIR #50 is FINALLY done

September 17th, 2006 by

It only took me forever because I am a slow little bitch when it comes to coloring.

air 50 preview

Late comic again

September 8th, 2006 by

Since I’m sick and this comic is huger than normal, it is gonna be late. Already is, actually, so I’ll bribe your patience with some poorly drawn naked womens that I drawed the other day to attempt to get better at the whole drawing “thing.”

girlysketches_01.jpg girlysketches_02.jpg

AIR #49

September 1st, 2006 by

Yay, it’s friday and do you know what that means? A new Adventures in Retail comic! I think this comic features one of the single worst drawings of Jonn(the character) that I have ever done.  I have no idea why.  Try to guess which one it is.  I’ll give you a hint, he’s swearing in the panel.

jonn making eat-love to some licorice